# Updating the gene names and aliases tables

This manual is intended for users that have knowledge about the structure of the cBioPortal seed database.

When loading studies into cBioPortal it is possible for warnings to occur that are caused by an outdated seed database. Gene symbols can be deprecated or be assigned to a different Entrez Gene in a new release. Also Entrez Gene IDs can be added. This markdown explains how to update the seed database, in order to use the most recent Entrez Gene IDs.

The cBioPortal scripts package provides a method to update the gene and gene_alias tables.

# Prepare

# Human genes

Download gene_info.txt
Generated based on latest HGNC release using script HERE

# Mouse genes

Download Mus_musculus.gene_info.gz from
ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/gene/DATA/GENE_INFO/Mammalia/Mus_musculus.gene_info.gz Unzip the downloaded file with the command gunzip Mus_musculus.gene_info.gz

# MySQL steps

Execute these steps in case you want to reset your database to the most recent genes list from NCBI.

1- Start a new MySQL database with the previous seed database, which can be found on cBioPortal Datahub for human and mouse.

2- If DB engine supports foreign key (FK) constraints, e.g. InnoDB, drop constraints:

ALTER TABLE cosmic_mutation
  DROP FOREIGN KEY cosmic_mutation_ibfk_1;

ALTER TABLE uniprot_id_mapping
  DROP FOREIGN KEY uniprot_id_mapping_ibfk_1;

3- Empty tables gene and gene_alias

TRUNCATE TABLE gene_alias;
DELETE from genetic_entity;
DELETE from geneset_hierarchy_node;
ALTER TABLE `genetic_entity` AUTO_INCREMENT = 1;
ALTER TABLE `geneset_hierarchy_node` AUTO_INCREMENT = 1;

4- Restart cBioPortal (restart webserver) or call the /api/cache endpoint with a DELETE http-request (see here for more information) to clean-up any cached gene lists.

5- To import gene data type the following commands when in the folder <cbioportal_source_folder>/core/src/main/scripts:

# Human genes

export PORTAL_HOME=<cbioportal_configuration_folder>
export JAVA_HOME=<jre_installation_folder>
./importGenes.pl --hgnc <gene_info.txt> --genome-build <GRCh37>

# Mouse genes

export PORTAL_HOME=<cbioportal_configuration_folder>
export JAVA_HOME=<jre_installation_folder>
./importGenes.pl --genes <Mus_musculus.gene_info.gz> --gtf <gencode.v25.annotation.gtf> --genome-build <GRCh37>


  1. The reference_genome table needs to be populated before updating the gene table. Further details can be found in this document.
  2. Use --species option when importing genes for a species other than human
  3. Use the gene table if you query information such as hugo symbols, types of the gene
  4. Use reference_genome_gene table if you query information such as chromosome, cytoband, exonic length, or the start or end of the gene
  5. Load genes only to the reference_genome_gene table without updating the gene table, please use the following command:

# Human genes

./importGenes.pl --gtf <gencode.v27.annotation.gtf> --genome-build <GRCh38>

# Mouse genes

./importGenes.pl --gtf <gencode.v27.annotation.gtf> --genome-build <GRCh38>

6- ⚠️ Check the gene and gene_alias tables to verify that they are filled correctly.

SELECT count(*) FROM cbioportal.gene;
SELECT count(*) FROM cbioportal.gene_alias;

7- Additionally, there are other tables you may want to update now (only in human).

  • Updating the COSMIC coding mutations, can be downloaded from here and require the script importCosmicData.pl

8- Clean-up old data:

DELETE FROM cosmic_mutation where ENTREZ_GENE_ID not in (SELECT ENTREZ_GENE_ID from gene);
DELETE FROM sanger_cancer_census where ENTREZ_GENE_ID not in (SELECT ENTREZ_GENE_ID from gene);
DELETE FROM uniprot_id_mapping where ENTREZ_GENE_ID not in (SELECT ENTREZ_GENE_ID from gene);
DELETE FROM interaction where GENE_A not in (SELECT ENTREZ_GENE_ID from gene) or GENE_B not in (SELECT ENTREZ_GENE_ID from gene);
DELETE FROM drug_interaction where target not in (SELECT ENTREZ_GENE_ID from gene);

9- If DB engine supports FK constraints, e.g. InnoDB, restore constraints:

ALTER TABLE cosmic_mutation

ALTER TABLE uniprot_id_mapping

10- You can import new gene sets using the gene set importer. These gene sets are currently only used for gene set scoring. See Import-Gene-Sets.md and File-Formats.md#gene-set-data.

For example, run in folder <cbioportal_source_folder>/core/src/main/scripts:

./importGenesetData.pl --data ~/Desktop/msigdb.v6.1.entrez.gmt --new-version msigdb_6.1

Please make sure the version gene sets is the same as the version used to calculate gene set scores in your data.