Import data with Docker
Import data instructions
This is an example to import a sample study: study_es_0
. When trying to import other studies, please follow the same routine:
- import gene panels (if applicable, studies without gene panels are assumed to be whole exome/genome)
- import study data
Step 1 - Import gene panels
To import gene panels for your study, please reference the example commands in this file
These are the commands for importing study_es_0
gene panels (data_gene_panel_testpanel1
and data_gene_panel_testpanel2
docker compose run \
cbioportal \
bash -c 'cd /core/scripts/ && ./importGenePanel.pl --data /cbioportal/test/study_es_0/data_gene_panel_testpanel1.txt'
docker compose run \
cbioportal \
bash -c 'cd /core/scripts/ && ./importGenePanel.pl --data /cbioportal/test/study_es_0/data_gene_panel_testpanel2.txt'
Step 2 - Import data
To import data for your study, please reference the example commands in this file
Command for importing study_es_0
docker compose run cbioportal metaImport.py -u http://cbioportal:8080 -s /cbioportal/test/study_es_0 -o
⚠️ after importing a study, remember to restart cbioportal
to see the study on the home page. Run docker compose restart cbioportal
You have now imported the test study study_es_0
. Note that this study is included inside the cbioportal container. The process for adding a study that is outside of the container is similar. Just make sure to add the data files in the ./study
folder. This folder is mounted as /study/
inside of the container.
Frequently Asked Questions
Gene panel ID is not in database
If you see an error like this when you importing the data:
ERROR: data_gene_panel_matrix.txt: lines [2, 3, 4, (10 more)]: Gene panel ID is not in database. Please import this gene panel before loading study data.; values encountered: ['TESTPANEL1', 'TESTPANEL2']
please follow the first step to import gene panels (e.g. import data_gene_panel_testpanel1
and data_gene_panel_testpanel2
for study_es_0
), then try to import the data again.
Error occurred during validation step
Please make sure the seed database was correctly imported.
Study imported correctly, but got error when trying to query something
Remember to restart the cbioportal
after data imported.
docker compose restart cbioportal
Import GRCh38 data
If you are importing GRCh38 data, please remember to set the reference_genome: hg38
field in the meta_study.txt
file. See also cancer study metadata.