# Import Study Using Docker

⚠️ Every time you add/remove/overwrite a study please restart tomcat (or the Docker container), or call the /api/cache endpoint with a DELETE http-request (see here for more information).

# Adding a Study

In a docker terminal type the following command:

docker exec -it ${CBIOPORTAL_CONTAINER_NAME} \
metaImport.py -u http://${CBIOPORTAL_CONTAINER_NAME}:8080/cbioportal -s ${PATH_TO_STUDIES}


  • $: The name of your cbioportal container instance, i.e cbioportal.
  • $: The external path where cBioPortal studies are stored.

# Restarting Tomcat

In a docker terminal type the following command:

docker exec -it ${CBIOPORTAL_CONTAINER_NAME} \
sh '${CATALINA_HOME}'/bin/shutdown.sh \
'&&' sh '${CATALINA_HOME}'/bin/startup.sh \


  • $: The name of your cbioportal container instance, i.e cbioportal.